herobilde_Openness Law

Openness Law

Nøsted & are a company with proud traditions and high ambitions. We, and our brands Trygg, Igland and Fram, aim to be the most environmentally and socially conscious supplier within our market segments and to arrive at zero carbon emissions as soon as practicable. 

We are committed to playing our part in achieving the UN sustainability goals. 

We link local and global engineering and production capacity to give our international customers the smartest, simplest, and most valuable solutions adapted to the challenges they face. Every single chain and piece of equipment in all our customer segments must be of the highest quality. 

Our products have to withstand strong, repetitive stress under diverse and difficult weather conditions. The human and environmental consequences, should anything go wrong, can be great. This impacts everything we do. Across design and product development, production, quality and our wider management systems. 

We have identified six key areas that we need to focus on in this journey to achieve the change required, and whilst We shall meet our goals through both internal change and working more closely with our suppliers and customers – It is all about connections. Expressing our work through our values – Co-operation, the Power to innovate and drive, we shall succeed. For us this is a journey of transformation not just a goal. 

We have already started this process and aim to record and measure our progress towards these goals through an annual report into our Environmental, Social and Governance performance. We also they may change over time as we learn more, the direction of travel is clear. 

Our focus areas 

  • Ensuring sustainability in our entire value chain. 
  • Reducing emissions in our own operations. 
  • Design to extend the life cycle of our products and improve sustainability. 
  • Cooperation to achieve our goals. 
  • Our working environment. 
  • Our social impact. 

Our focus areas recognise that a report is of little consequence if we do not ‘live’ these goals and embed them in our day-to-day work – developing, designing and delivering our products and services.  

You can read our sustainability report here (Full ESG report).   

If you have questions about our work related to the Transparency Act, you are welcome to contact our CEO, Merethe Nøsted von Zernichow, at merethe@nosted.com.