Heat treatment – increased toughness
Our routines ensure optimal and evenly distributed hardening temperatures. The chains receive additional tempering, at high temperatures, over a long period of time, before galvanizing.
This is to ensure the removal of any dangerous stress points and improve toughness.
To eliminate the chance Hydrogen embrittlement (HE), we do not use any form for acidic treatment during any stages of our production. All cleaning and preparation is mechanical to make sure we avoid this primary reason for none-conformity associated with galvanized chain.

Testing, certification and traceability
A comprehensive series of quality control tests are implemented in all phases of production as well as final acceptance of finished products. These tests measure strength, Impact toughness, transition temperature, chemical structure of the steel and each individual link has to pass a load test. 100% testing is also carried out on each link after a pre-determined time period post galvanization.
The factory is approved to ISO 9001:2015 standards, with production routines certified to requirements for NS 9415. We also hold additional documented approval related to equipment and procedures required for other areas of the offshore industry. All products have trace marking and can be traced back through the production process and to the material used.